French Curriculum Statement
At St Richard’s Primary School, we aim to inspire all of our children to develop a love of languages, in the belief that, learning a foreign language provides pupils with an educational, social and cultural experience.
Communication is an essential skill in life, and we believe learning a Language offers children the opportunity to develop their ability to communicate effectively. In order to further understand how language works, learning another language helps children further develop their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills and extend their knowledge of how language works. Our aim is to encourage and foster this curiosity and interest in language.
In addition, learning another language expands their knowledge and understanding of other countries, cultures and people. It gives children a deeper understanding of the world and enables them to see themselves as global citizens. Language learning offers children the chance to reflect upon their identities and helps them to see the relationships between their lives and those of others.
Here at St Richard’s, children begin their MFL learning journey in year 3. They begin to learn French in a fun and interactive way through songs, games and rhymes. Indeed, a strong emphasis is placed primarily on developing their speaking and listening skills. In upper Key Stage 2, these skills are embedded further, alongside reading and writing.
Our French curriculum at St Richard’s is designed to fulfil the requirements of the National Curriculum Programme of Study for Key Stage 2, and to provide learning experiences that engage, enthuse and motivate all of our learners.
We follow the Primary Languages Network scheme of work for French and is adapted/supplemented to fully meet the needs of our children. Learning has been carefully considered, planned out and sequenced across the Key Stage in order to ensure coverage of key skills and clear progression.
Primary Languages Network scheme of work is a platform for introducing children to the culture of French-speaking countries and communities. It enables children to explore and express their ideas, thoughts in French and provides opportunities to interact and communicate with others both in speech and writing. We want children to hear and see native people speaking their language, in order for children to immerse themselves fully into the culture of France.
Lessons are sequenced so that language, phonics and grammar is consistently covered, ensuring children get the breadth of learning and progression is clear and concise. As well as one timetabled weekly lesson of French in Key Stage 2 classes, daily opportunities are seized to practise, consolidate, reinforce and assess skills. For example, during registration, after lunch and at the end of the day. Alongside the introduction of new skills, the lessons we teach (and resources we use) help children to build on their prior knowledge. Our lessons provide structure and context as well as offer an insight into the culture of French-speaking countries and communities. The introduction and revision of key vocabulary and grammatical structures is built into lessons. Vocabulary is then displayed in classrooms and around school for children to access and use. Through the Primary Langauge Network, teachers are supported through interactive videos to ensure the correct vocabulary is being used within lessons.
Our French curriculum has ensured that the foundations for language learning have been laid out. We want children at St Richard’s to enjoy learning French and develop their confidence when speaking another language. We want our children to achieve age-related expectations in the language, phonics and grammar of French, which in turn, will give them a platform to continue their language journey at secondary school.
At St Richard’s, we will measure and monitor children learning in French through end of unit assessments (Puzzle it out), learning walks, book looks, data analysis, pupil voice and lesson observations. The subject leader will monitor and assess children’s learning both formatively and summatively ensuring there is consistency in the teaching of French throughout school.
The skills progression document, supports teachers in planning, monitoring and assessing children against key objectives for their year group they teach. This will also enable teachers to put into place, any further support children may need to achieve year group expectations.
The learning environments in each classroom and around school will raise the profile French through key vocabulary displayed around schools.
French Curriculum Statement
At St Richard’s Primary School, we aim to inspire all of our children to develop a love of languages, in the belief that, learning a foreign language provides pupils with an educational, social and cultural experience.
Communication is an essential skill in life, and we believe learning a Language offers children the opportunity to develop their ability to communicate effectively. In order to further understand how language works, learning another language helps children further develop their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills and extend their knowledge of how language works. Our aim is to encourage and foster this curiosity and interest in language.
In addition, learning another language expands their knowledge and understanding of other countries, cultures and people. It gives children a deeper understanding of the world and enables them to see themselves as global citizens. Language learning offers children the chance to reflect upon their identities and helps them to see the relationships between their lives and those of others.
Here at St Richard’s, children begin their MFL learning journey in year 3. They begin to learn French in a fun and interactive way through songs, games and rhymes. Indeed, a strong emphasis is placed primarily on developing their speaking and listening skills. In upper Key Stage 2, these skills are embedded further, alongside reading and writing.
Our French curriculum at St Richard’s is designed to fulfil the requirements of the National Curriculum Programme of Study for Key Stage 2, and to provide learning experiences that engage, enthuse and motivate all of our learners.
We follow the Primary Languages Network scheme of work for French and is adapted/supplemented to fully meet the needs of our children. Learning has been carefully considered, planned out and sequenced across the Key Stage in order to ensure coverage of key skills and clear progression.
Primary Languages Network scheme of work is a platform for introducing children to the culture of French-speaking countries and communities. It enables children to explore and express their ideas, thoughts in French and provides opportunities to interact and communicate with others both in speech and writing. We want children to hear and see native people speaking their language, in order for children to immerse themselves fully into the culture of France.
Lessons are sequenced so that language, phonics and grammar is consistently covered, ensuring children get the breadth of learning and progression is clear and concise. As well as one timetabled weekly lesson of French in Key Stage 2 classes, daily opportunities are seized to practise, consolidate, reinforce and assess skills. For example, during registration, after lunch and at the end of the day. Alongside the introduction of new skills, the lessons we teach (and resources we use) help children to build on their prior knowledge. Our lessons provide structure and context as well as offer an insight into the culture of French-speaking countries and communities. The introduction and revision of key vocabulary and grammatical structures is built into lessons. Vocabulary is then displayed in classrooms and around school for children to access and use. Through the Primary Langauge Network, teachers are supported through interactive videos to ensure the correct vocabulary is being used within lessons.
Our French curriculum has ensured that the foundations for language learning have been laid out. We want children at St Richard’s to enjoy learning French and develop their confidence when speaking another language. We want our children to achieve age-related expectations in the language, phonics and grammar of French, which in turn, will give them a platform to continue their language journey at secondary school.
At St Richard’s, we will measure and monitor children learning in French through end of unit assessments (Puzzle it out), learning walks, book looks, data analysis, pupil voice and lesson observations. The subject leader will monitor and assess children’s learning both formatively and summatively ensuring there is consistency in the teaching of French throughout school.
The skills progression document, supports teachers in planning, monitoring and assessing children against key objectives for their year group they teach. This will also enable teachers to put into place, any further support children may need to achieve year group expectations.
The learning environments in each classroom and around school will raise the profile French through key vocabulary displayed around schools.
French Curriculum Statement
At St Richard’s Primary School, we aim to inspire all of our children to develop a love of languages, in the belief that, learning a foreign language provides pupils with an educational, social and cultural experience.
Communication is an essential skill in life, and we believe learning a Language offers children the opportunity to develop their ability to communicate effectively. In order to further understand how language works, learning another language helps children further develop their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills and extend their knowledge of how language works. Our aim is to encourage and foster this curiosity and interest in language.
In addition, learning another language expands their knowledge and understanding of other countries, cultures and people. It gives children a deeper understanding of the world and enables them to see themselves as global citizens. Language learning offers children the chance to reflect upon their identities and helps them to see the relationships between their lives and those of others.
Here at St Richard’s, children begin their MFL learning journey in year 3. They begin to learn French in a fun and interactive way through songs, games and rhymes. Indeed, a strong emphasis is placed primarily on developing their speaking and listening skills. In upper Key Stage 2, these skills are embedded further, alongside reading and writing.
Our French curriculum at St Richard’s is designed to fulfil the requirements of the National Curriculum Programme of Study for Key Stage 2, and to provide learning experiences that engage, enthuse and motivate all of our learners.
We follow the Primary Languages Network scheme of work for French and is adapted/supplemented to fully meet the needs of our children. Learning has been carefully considered, planned out and sequenced across the Key Stage in order to ensure coverage of key skills and clear progression.
Primary Languages Network scheme of work is a platform for introducing children to the culture of French-speaking countries and communities. It enables children to explore and express their ideas, thoughts in French and provides opportunities to interact and communicate with others both in speech and writing. We want children to hear and see native people speaking their language, in order for children to immerse themselves fully into the culture of France.
Lessons are sequenced so that language, phonics and grammar is consistently covered, ensuring children get the breadth of learning and progression is clear and concise. As well as one timetabled weekly lesson of French in Key Stage 2 classes, daily opportunities are seized to practise, consolidate, reinforce and assess skills. For example, during registration, after lunch and at the end of the day. Alongside the introduction of new skills, the lessons we teach (and resources we use) help children to build on their prior knowledge. Our lessons provide structure and context as well as offer an insight into the culture of French-speaking countries and communities. The introduction and revision of key vocabulary and grammatical structures is built into lessons. Vocabulary is then displayed in classrooms and around school for children to access and use. Through the Primary Langauge Network, teachers are supported through interactive videos to ensure the correct vocabulary is being used within lessons.
Our French curriculum has ensured that the foundations for language learning have been laid out. We want children at St Richard’s to enjoy learning French and develop their confidence when speaking another language. We want our children to achieve age-related expectations in the language, phonics and grammar of French, which in turn, will give them a platform to continue their language journey at secondary school.
At St Richard’s, we will measure and monitor children learning in French through end of unit assessments (Puzzle it out), learning walks, book looks, data analysis, pupil voice and lesson observations. The subject leader will monitor and assess children’s learning both formatively and summatively ensuring there is consistency in the teaching of French throughout school.
The skills progression document, supports teachers in planning, monitoring and assessing children against key objectives for their year group they teach. This will also enable teachers to put into place, any further support children may need to achieve year group expectations.
The learning environments in each classroom and around school will raise the profile French through key vocabulary displayed around schools.