Flapper Fold Lane, Atherton, M46 0HA
01942 882980

British Values

Since November 2014, schools must promote British values

The Government has defined British Values as the following: democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty,and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and belief. 

Flapper Fold Lane, Atherton, M46 0HA
01942 882980

British Values

Since November 2014, schools must promote British values

The Government has defined British Values as the following: democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty,and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and belief. 

Flapper Fold Lane, Atherton, M46 0HA
01942 882980

British Values

Since November 2014, schools must promote British values

The Government has defined British Values as the following: democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty,and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and belief. 

Flapper Fold Lane, Atherton, M46 0HA
01942 882980

British Values

Since November 2014, schools must promote British values

The Government has defined British Values as the following: democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty,and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and belief. 
