PSHCE Curriculum Statement
St Richard's is a one-form entry RC primary school with no nursery provision. It serves a large and varied catchment area of Atherton and is identified as being located in a poor socio-economic area. This indicates that compared to National averages St Richard’s are in the more deprived category of all schools and compared to Local Authority averages are one of the most deprived schools in the Local Authority. This is reflected in the number of our pupils who are eligible to claim FSM. St Richard’s is a school with higher-than-average percentage of physical and ill health, some families under stress, low expectations, a number of children experiencing social and emotional issues and financial family difficulties. This has been at the forefront when designing our PSHCE curriculum, to tackle the depths of deprivation, to ensure that children know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way.
At St Richard’s within PSHCE, account is made of the socio-economics of the local area and the wider world. We recognise that the children need both a sense of valuing themselves, and developing aspirations for their future and for their community.
We are passionate that all children realise that it is a big and wonderful world out there that they can play an active and positive part in. We also plan opportunities for the children to know about keeping safe in the physical environment and online. We plan to promote British values, (Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs) ensuring that children are aware of their rights and responsibilities as a UK citizen. We have enrolled and gained bronze on the UNICEF Rights Respecting School Award so that children are not only aware of their own rights, but respect those of others.
In recognising the development of the whole child, the pastoral support given to children so they can access the curriculum is robust. St Richard’s has various systems which support the emotional and mental well-being of children and provides signposting to parents.
There are three strands to our curriculum
All evidence of the PSHCE curriculum is displayed in a class PSHCE book.
At St Richard’s, we have a clear and comprehensive scheme of work in line with the National Curriculum. As a school we focus on seven core learning themes.
Within these core themes pupils demonstrate and apply the British Values of democracy, tolerance, mutual respect, rule of law and liberty. We encourage pupils to have an age appropriate understanding of the protected characteristics through the seven core learning themes that run throughout school.
In order to achieve age related expectations, children will be able to demonstrate and apply the British Values of democracy, mutual respect, tolerance, rule of law and liberty. Children will be able to demonstrate a healthy outlook by reflecting on and evaluating themselves and others around them. They will have the skills and knowledge to be able to participate fully in all aspects of life from the school community to the wider community and beyond.
PSHCE Curriculum Statement
St Richard's is a one-form entry RC primary school with no nursery provision. It serves a large and varied catchment area of Atherton and is identified as being located in a poor socio-economic area. This indicates that compared to National averages St Richard’s are in the more deprived category of all schools and compared to Local Authority averages are one of the most deprived schools in the Local Authority. This is reflected in the number of our pupils who are eligible to claim FSM. St Richard’s is a school with higher-than-average percentage of physical and ill health, some families under stress, low expectations, a number of children experiencing social and emotional issues and financial family difficulties. This has been at the forefront when designing our PSHCE curriculum, to tackle the depths of deprivation, to ensure that children know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way.
At St Richard’s within PSHCE, account is made of the socio-economics of the local area and the wider world. We recognise that the children need both a sense of valuing themselves, and developing aspirations for their future and for their community.
We are passionate that all children realise that it is a big and wonderful world out there that they can play an active and positive part in. We also plan opportunities for the children to know about keeping safe in the physical environment and online. We plan to promote British values, (Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs) ensuring that children are aware of their rights and responsibilities as a UK citizen. We have enrolled and gained bronze on the UNICEF Rights Respecting School Award so that children are not only aware of their own rights, but respect those of others.
In recognising the development of the whole child, the pastoral support given to children so they can access the curriculum is robust. St Richard’s has various systems which support the emotional and mental well-being of children and provides signposting to parents.
There are three strands to our curriculum
All evidence of the PSHCE curriculum is displayed in a class PSHCE book.
At St Richard’s, we have a clear and comprehensive scheme of work in line with the National Curriculum. As a school we focus on seven core learning themes.
Within these core themes pupils demonstrate and apply the British Values of democracy, tolerance, mutual respect, rule of law and liberty. We encourage pupils to have an age appropriate understanding of the protected characteristics through the seven core learning themes that run throughout school.
In order to achieve age related expectations, children will be able to demonstrate and apply the British Values of democracy, mutual respect, tolerance, rule of law and liberty. Children will be able to demonstrate a healthy outlook by reflecting on and evaluating themselves and others around them. They will have the skills and knowledge to be able to participate fully in all aspects of life from the school community to the wider community and beyond.
PSHCE Curriculum Statement
St Richard's is a one-form entry RC primary school with no nursery provision. It serves a large and varied catchment area of Atherton and is identified as being located in a poor socio-economic area. This indicates that compared to National averages St Richard’s are in the more deprived category of all schools and compared to Local Authority averages are one of the most deprived schools in the Local Authority. This is reflected in the number of our pupils who are eligible to claim FSM. St Richard’s is a school with higher-than-average percentage of physical and ill health, some families under stress, low expectations, a number of children experiencing social and emotional issues and financial family difficulties. This has been at the forefront when designing our PSHCE curriculum, to tackle the depths of deprivation, to ensure that children know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way.
At St Richard’s within PSHCE, account is made of the socio-economics of the local area and the wider world. We recognise that the children need both a sense of valuing themselves, and developing aspirations for their future and for their community.
We are passionate that all children realise that it is a big and wonderful world out there that they can play an active and positive part in. We also plan opportunities for the children to know about keeping safe in the physical environment and online. We plan to promote British values, (Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs) ensuring that children are aware of their rights and responsibilities as a UK citizen. We have enrolled and gained bronze on the UNICEF Rights Respecting School Award so that children are not only aware of their own rights, but respect those of others.
In recognising the development of the whole child, the pastoral support given to children so they can access the curriculum is robust. St Richard’s has various systems which support the emotional and mental well-being of children and provides signposting to parents.
There are three strands to our curriculum
All evidence of the PSHCE curriculum is displayed in a class PSHCE book.
At St Richard’s, we have a clear and comprehensive scheme of work in line with the National Curriculum. As a school we focus on seven core learning themes.
Within these core themes pupils demonstrate and apply the British Values of democracy, tolerance, mutual respect, rule of law and liberty. We encourage pupils to have an age appropriate understanding of the protected characteristics through the seven core learning themes that run throughout school.
In order to achieve age related expectations, children will be able to demonstrate and apply the British Values of democracy, mutual respect, tolerance, rule of law and liberty. Children will be able to demonstrate a healthy outlook by reflecting on and evaluating themselves and others around them. They will have the skills and knowledge to be able to participate fully in all aspects of life from the school community to the wider community and beyond.