Flapper Fold Lane, Atherton, M46 0HA
01942 882980

Science Curriculum Statement


St Richard's is a one-form entry RC primary school with no nursery provision. It serves a large and varied catchment area of Atherton and is identified as being located in a poor socio-economic area. This indicates that compared to National averages St Richard’s are in the more deprived category of all schools and compared to Local Authority averages are one of the most deprived schools in the Local Authority. This is reflected in the number of our pupils who are eligible to claim FSM. This has been the forefront when designing our Science curriculum, to tackle the effects of deprivation, opening our children’s eyes to natural curiosity and wonder of the modern world we live in.



At St Richard’s RC Primary School our aim is to provide all pupils with a sound understanding of the world in which they live. Teachers use Science to explain the events of the world around them through exciting lessons that spark pupils’ curiosity. Our science curriculum allows all pupils to obtain the knowledge and skills needed to help them think like a scientist; to develop an understanding of scientific processes; and to understand the uses and implications of science today and for the future. In our school, Science is about developing children’s ideas in order for them to make sense of the world in which they live through investigation, as well as using and applying process skills. We strongly believe that all children are entitled to an extensive and well-balanced Science education. They should develop a love for science and be aware of how Science is relevant in today’s society.

Our teaching enables children to:

  • Develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics
  • Develop an understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries
  • Answer scientific questions about the world around them
  • Be equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future



Throughout school, Science is taught through the progression of Development Matters and the National Curriculum in order for children to have a secure understanding and adequate knowledge and skills to further their learning. When teaching Science, scientific enquiry skills are evident within every lesson and because of this, children have the flexibility to ask and answer questions about the world around them. Specialist vocabulary is explicitly taught and is built up over each of the different year groups throughout school.

To ensure that Science is being taught in line with the National Curriculum it is delivered in KS1 for 90 minutes per week and in KS2 for 120 minutes per week.  Through high quality planning, pupils develop the following types of scientific enquiry:

  • Observing over time
  • Pattern seeking
  • Identifying, classifying and grouping
  • Comparative and fair testing (controlled investigations)
  • Researching using secondary sources.

We ensure that every Science lesson that the children experience is engaging and inspiring to help children to develop an interest and a love for Science. We also encourage our children to apply their mathematical knowledge to their understanding of science, for example collecting, presenting and analysing data. In addition, all teachers make a conscious effort to ensure that our children are provided with many cross-curricular writing opportunities. For example, when writing up explanations or research tasks.

In order to maintain natural curiosity and further promote an explorative and enquiry based approach, once per year we hold a whole school science week. During this week, each class explores an area of scientific phenomena and researches a specific question using the 5 strands of scientific enquiry. We use this science week to meet real life scientists, develop our knowledge and experience of the world and show progression in the knowledge and skills of scientific enquiry from EYFS and the strands of Development Matters which promotes understanding of the world to the National Curriculum at the end of year 6.



At St Richard’s RC Primary School we are constantly evaluating the Science Curriculum and gaining feedback from staff, pupils and parents. We create learning opportunities for all children that develop a sense of excitement and curiosity and provide them with the necessary skills and knowledge to become young scientists. At St Richard’s we are constantly and vigorously analysing data to help to identify trends across school. In doing this it is evident that Science is taught effectively throughout school. In addition, where children are identified to be working below age related expectations boosters and interventions are put in place to help to close the gap. 

Flapper Fold Lane, Atherton, M46 0HA
01942 882980

Science Curriculum Statement


St Richard's is a one-form entry RC primary school with no nursery provision. It serves a large and varied catchment area of Atherton and is identified as being located in a poor socio-economic area. This indicates that compared to National averages St Richard’s are in the more deprived category of all schools and compared to Local Authority averages are one of the most deprived schools in the Local Authority. This is reflected in the number of our pupils who are eligible to claim FSM. This has been the forefront when designing our Science curriculum, to tackle the effects of deprivation, opening our children’s eyes to natural curiosity and wonder of the modern world we live in.



At St Richard’s RC Primary School our aim is to provide all pupils with a sound understanding of the world in which they live. Teachers use Science to explain the events of the world around them through exciting lessons that spark pupils’ curiosity. Our science curriculum allows all pupils to obtain the knowledge and skills needed to help them think like a scientist; to develop an understanding of scientific processes; and to understand the uses and implications of science today and for the future. In our school, Science is about developing children’s ideas in order for them to make sense of the world in which they live through investigation, as well as using and applying process skills. We strongly believe that all children are entitled to an extensive and well-balanced Science education. They should develop a love for science and be aware of how Science is relevant in today’s society.

Our teaching enables children to:

  • Develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics
  • Develop an understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries
  • Answer scientific questions about the world around them
  • Be equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future



Throughout school, Science is taught through the progression of Development Matters and the National Curriculum in order for children to have a secure understanding and adequate knowledge and skills to further their learning. When teaching Science, scientific enquiry skills are evident within every lesson and because of this, children have the flexibility to ask and answer questions about the world around them. Specialist vocabulary is explicitly taught and is built up over each of the different year groups throughout school.

To ensure that Science is being taught in line with the National Curriculum it is delivered in KS1 for 90 minutes per week and in KS2 for 120 minutes per week.  Through high quality planning, pupils develop the following types of scientific enquiry:

  • Observing over time
  • Pattern seeking
  • Identifying, classifying and grouping
  • Comparative and fair testing (controlled investigations)
  • Researching using secondary sources.

We ensure that every Science lesson that the children experience is engaging and inspiring to help children to develop an interest and a love for Science. We also encourage our children to apply their mathematical knowledge to their understanding of science, for example collecting, presenting and analysing data. In addition, all teachers make a conscious effort to ensure that our children are provided with many cross-curricular writing opportunities. For example, when writing up explanations or research tasks.

In order to maintain natural curiosity and further promote an explorative and enquiry based approach, once per year we hold a whole school science week. During this week, each class explores an area of scientific phenomena and researches a specific question using the 5 strands of scientific enquiry. We use this science week to meet real life scientists, develop our knowledge and experience of the world and show progression in the knowledge and skills of scientific enquiry from EYFS and the strands of Development Matters which promotes understanding of the world to the National Curriculum at the end of year 6.



At St Richard’s RC Primary School we are constantly evaluating the Science Curriculum and gaining feedback from staff, pupils and parents. We create learning opportunities for all children that develop a sense of excitement and curiosity and provide them with the necessary skills and knowledge to become young scientists. At St Richard’s we are constantly and vigorously analysing data to help to identify trends across school. In doing this it is evident that Science is taught effectively throughout school. In addition, where children are identified to be working below age related expectations boosters and interventions are put in place to help to close the gap. 

Flapper Fold Lane, Atherton, M46 0HA
01942 882980

Science Curriculum Statement


St Richard's is a one-form entry RC primary school with no nursery provision. It serves a large and varied catchment area of Atherton and is identified as being located in a poor socio-economic area. This indicates that compared to National averages St Richard’s are in the more deprived category of all schools and compared to Local Authority averages are one of the most deprived schools in the Local Authority. This is reflected in the number of our pupils who are eligible to claim FSM. This has been the forefront when designing our Science curriculum, to tackle the effects of deprivation, opening our children’s eyes to natural curiosity and wonder of the modern world we live in.



At St Richard’s RC Primary School our aim is to provide all pupils with a sound understanding of the world in which they live. Teachers use Science to explain the events of the world around them through exciting lessons that spark pupils’ curiosity. Our science curriculum allows all pupils to obtain the knowledge and skills needed to help them think like a scientist; to develop an understanding of scientific processes; and to understand the uses and implications of science today and for the future. In our school, Science is about developing children’s ideas in order for them to make sense of the world in which they live through investigation, as well as using and applying process skills. We strongly believe that all children are entitled to an extensive and well-balanced Science education. They should develop a love for science and be aware of how Science is relevant in today’s society.

Our teaching enables children to:

  • Develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics
  • Develop an understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries
  • Answer scientific questions about the world around them
  • Be equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future



Throughout school, Science is taught through the progression of Development Matters and the National Curriculum in order for children to have a secure understanding and adequate knowledge and skills to further their learning. When teaching Science, scientific enquiry skills are evident within every lesson and because of this, children have the flexibility to ask and answer questions about the world around them. Specialist vocabulary is explicitly taught and is built up over each of the different year groups throughout school.

To ensure that Science is being taught in line with the National Curriculum it is delivered in KS1 for 90 minutes per week and in KS2 for 120 minutes per week.  Through high quality planning, pupils develop the following types of scientific enquiry:

  • Observing over time
  • Pattern seeking
  • Identifying, classifying and grouping
  • Comparative and fair testing (controlled investigations)
  • Researching using secondary sources.

We ensure that every Science lesson that the children experience is engaging and inspiring to help children to develop an interest and a love for Science. We also encourage our children to apply their mathematical knowledge to their understanding of science, for example collecting, presenting and analysing data. In addition, all teachers make a conscious effort to ensure that our children are provided with many cross-curricular writing opportunities. For example, when writing up explanations or research tasks.

In order to maintain natural curiosity and further promote an explorative and enquiry based approach, once per year we hold a whole school science week. During this week, each class explores an area of scientific phenomena and researches a specific question using the 5 strands of scientific enquiry. We use this science week to meet real life scientists, develop our knowledge and experience of the world and show progression in the knowledge and skills of scientific enquiry from EYFS and the strands of Development Matters which promotes understanding of the world to the National Curriculum at the end of year 6.



At St Richard’s RC Primary School we are constantly evaluating the Science Curriculum and gaining feedback from staff, pupils and parents. We create learning opportunities for all children that develop a sense of excitement and curiosity and provide them with the necessary skills and knowledge to become young scientists. At St Richard’s we are constantly and vigorously analysing data to help to identify trends across school. In doing this it is evident that Science is taught effectively throughout school. In addition, where children are identified to be working below age related expectations boosters and interventions are put in place to help to close the gap.