Flapper Fold Lane, Atherton, M46 0HA
01942 882980

French at St Richard's 

Our Modern Foreign Language in Key Stage 2 is French


During Key Stage 2 pupils learn will have weekly timetabled French lessons, as well as being encouraged to visit the French section of our school library and take home a French reading book from time to time.

 All children will be able to develop and enhance their ability to:

  • Understand and respond to both the spoken and written language from a variety of authentic sources;
  • Speak with increasing confidence, fluency and spontaneity, finding ways of communicating what they want to say;
  • Children will be able to participate in conversations, discussions, asking and responding to questions whilst continually improving the accuracy of their pronunciation and intonation;

Experience writing at varying lengths, for different purposes and audiences, using the variety of grammatical structures that they have learnt.

Come and take a look at what's been happening in French... 

Take a look at what we're learning in MFL...

French Learning

Pupil Voice 


Pupil voice shows that children enjoy their French learning throughout school.  The following comments have been gathered from pupil voice, where children were given time to discuss their learning in French. 

'' We have learnt how to write down some phrases in French."


" I can count in french and ask my friend some questions. "


'' French is fun we get to sing lots of songs and say things in silly voices!"


" I can have a short chat with my friend in French." 


''  I look forward to our French lessons every week."



MFL Policy

modern-foreign-language-policy.pdf .pdf
KS2 Curriculum overview

Have Fun

Click on the links below to be transported to other websites all about French, some with interactive games for you to play and get involved with. 

Flapper Fold Lane, Atherton, M46 0HA
01942 882980

French at St Richard's 

Our Modern Foreign Language in Key Stage 2 is French


During Key Stage 2 pupils learn will have weekly timetabled French lessons, as well as being encouraged to visit the French section of our school library and take home a French reading book from time to time.

 All children will be able to develop and enhance their ability to:

  • Understand and respond to both the spoken and written language from a variety of authentic sources;
  • Speak with increasing confidence, fluency and spontaneity, finding ways of communicating what they want to say;
  • Children will be able to participate in conversations, discussions, asking and responding to questions whilst continually improving the accuracy of their pronunciation and intonation;

Experience writing at varying lengths, for different purposes and audiences, using the variety of grammatical structures that they have learnt.

Come and take a look at what's been happening in French... 

Take a look at what we're learning in MFL...

French Learning

Pupil Voice 


Pupil voice shows that children enjoy their French learning throughout school.  The following comments have been gathered from pupil voice, where children were given time to discuss their learning in French. 

'' We have learnt how to write down some phrases in French."


" I can count in french and ask my friend some questions. "


'' French is fun we get to sing lots of songs and say things in silly voices!"


" I can have a short chat with my friend in French." 


''  I look forward to our French lessons every week."



MFL Policy

modern-foreign-language-policy.pdf .pdf
KS2 Curriculum overview

Have Fun

Click on the links below to be transported to other websites all about French, some with interactive games for you to play and get involved with. 
