Design Technology (DT) Curriculum Statement
St Richard’s serves a large and varied catchment area and the town of Atherton is identified as a poor socio-economic area. Children arrive at school with below average language skills and limited enrichment opportunities. Therefore, it is our intent at St Richard’s to ensure that all children through creativity, imagination and innovation develop a deep understanding of the knowledge and vocabulary as well as the processes involved in designing products that solve real and relevant problems. Through exploring and evaluating past and present designs, our children will be provided with a variety of experiences that will develop an understanding of DT and its impact on their daily life and the wider world. Children will draw upon other disciplines such as Mathematics, Science, Computing and Art, using transferable vocabulary and skills to ensure a deeper understanding.
Whilst the EYFS and National Curriculum forms the foundation of our curriculum, we ensure that children learn additional skills, knowledge and understanding to enhance their learning and to close existing gaps in their language and communication. A Design Technology topic is covered each term with a focus on either: mechanics, textiles, structures, control or food technology. Topics build on previous knowledge, skills and understanding from prior year group learning and follow the process of designing, making and evaluating whilst incorporating subject specific vocabulary. Health and safety relating to the use of equipment will be taught throughout each topic, so that children can use a range of equipment safely. Children will have the opportunity to complete tasks both independently and collaboratively. They will ask questions and solve problems to allow them to gain ownership over their curriculum and they will also work as part of a team learning to support and help one another towards a challenging goal.
Children will have clear enjoyment and confidence in Design Technology that they will then apply to other areas of the curriculum. They will also know more, remember more and understand more about Design Technology and be able to demonstrate this knowledge. They will develop skills and attributes they can use beyond school and into adulthood and they will make progress and attain in line or above age related expectations.