Flapper Fold Lane, Atherton, M46 0HA
01942 882980

Mandatory Information

OFSTED Parent View

Parent View gives you the chance to tell OFSTED what you think about your child’s school.

Parent View asks for your opinion on 12 aspects of your child’s school, from the quality of teaching, to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour. OFSTED use the information you provide when making decisions about which schools to inspect, and when.

Follow this link to OFSTED Parent View 


The image below shows the results of the Parental Survey undertaken in Autumn Term 2023



Additional comments made on parental questionnaire – Autumn 2023




School Name, Postal Address and a Telephone Number, along with a contact name for enquiries.

St. Richard’s R.C. Primary School

Flapper Fold Lane



M46 0HA

Telephone (01942) 882 980


The primary contact at the school is Miss S. Lee, Admin Officer, who will be happy to deal with your query. 


The SendCo is Mrs H. Kemp who can be reached on the same number or by emailing enquiries@admin.saintrichards.wigan.sch.uk

Either Admission arrangements (including selection arrangements, oversubscription criteria and details of the application process), or information on how to access this information on the local authority's website.

Supplementary Faith Form

St. Richard's Admissions Policy 2025/2026

For in-year admissions, follow this link

Details of how parents can access the school's most recent inspection report, as well as the School Performance Tables published on the Department of Education's website.

The most recent Ofsted Inspection can be accessed here 

Ofsted Inspection Reports

The 2019 RE Inspection can be accessed here -

2019 RE Inspection

Details of School Performance Tables can be found by visiting the DfE School Performance pages and searching for St Richard's.

The percentage of Key Stage 2 pupils who achieved the expected standard or above in reading, writing and maths (2024)




The average progress in Reading, Writing and Mathematics (2024)

No Progress Measures


Average scale score (2024)




% of pupils who achieved a high level of attainment in reading, writing and maths (2024)


For each academic year group

Curriculum content and details of how additional information relating to the curriculum may be obtained by parent

For Key Stage 1, the names of any phonics or reading schemes in operation

Details of the National Curriculum can be found on this page

To find out more about the Curriculum we follow please click:-

Early Years,  Key Stage 1 or Key Stage 2

For Reception and Key Stage 1 we use Fischer Family Trust Success for All phonics.

We also use the following Reading Schemes - Oxford Reading Tree, Songbirds  and Big Cat Phonics 

The school's policy on behaviour


The school's policy on Safeguarding


The school's charging and remissions policy


The school's compliments and complaints policy

Behaviour Policy

Safeguarding Policy

Charging and Remissions 

Compliments & Complaints Policy


The amount of the school's allocation from the Pupil Premium and Sports Premium grants for the current academic year, and:

·         how it is intended that this is spent

·         how the previous academic year's allocation was spent, and the effect of this on the educational attainment of pupils for whom the funding was allocated.

Pupil Premium at St Richard's 23/24


Pupil Premium at St Richard's 22/23






Sports Premium 2020/21

Sports Premium 2021/22

Sports Premium 2022/23

Sports Premium 2023/24

A report prepared by the school highlighting its policy for pupils with special educational needs, and how this is being implemented.

Please refer to Page 10 of the prospectus


See also the following:-


St Richard's SEN Information Report - School local offer 2023


Accessibility Policy


Wigan Council's SEN Local Offer


Equality Scheme


Equality Objectives

Publication Scheme

Freedom of Information

A statement of the school's ethos and values

 Please refer to Page 2 of the prospectus

Financial Information

 School Financial Benchmarking Service

Governor disclosure and interests

 These pages show information on each of our school governors and all matters   pertaining to the Governing Body


If you wish to query any of the information, please Contact Us and we will attempt to resolve your query.

Paper copies of all the policies and information on the website are available from the school office on request and free of charge.

Flapper Fold Lane, Atherton, M46 0HA
01942 882980

Mandatory Information

OFSTED Parent View

Parent View gives you the chance to tell OFSTED what you think about your child’s school.

Parent View asks for your opinion on 12 aspects of your child’s school, from the quality of teaching, to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour. OFSTED use the information you provide when making decisions about which schools to inspect, and when.

Follow this link to OFSTED Parent View 


The image below shows the results of the Parental Survey undertaken in Autumn Term 2023



Additional comments made on parental questionnaire – Autumn 2023




School Name, Postal Address and a Telephone Number, along with a contact name for enquiries.

St. Richard’s R.C. Primary School

Flapper Fold Lane



M46 0HA

Telephone (01942) 882 980


The primary contact at the school is Miss S. Lee, Admin Officer, who will be happy to deal with your query. 


The SendCo is Mrs H. Kemp who can be reached on the same number or by emailing enquiries@admin.saintrichards.wigan.sch.uk

Either Admission arrangements (including selection arrangements, oversubscription criteria and details of the application process), or information on how to access this information on the local authority's website.

Supplementary Faith Form

St. Richard's Admissions Policy 2025/2026

For in-year admissions, follow this link

Details of how parents can access the school's most recent inspection report, as well as the School Performance Tables published on the Department of Education's website.

The most recent Ofsted Inspection can be accessed here 

Ofsted Inspection Reports

The 2019 RE Inspection can be accessed here -

2019 RE Inspection

Details of School Performance Tables can be found by visiting the DfE School Performance pages and searching for St Richard's.

The percentage of Key Stage 2 pupils who achieved the expected standard or above in reading, writing and maths (2024)




The average progress in Reading, Writing and Mathematics (2024)

No Progress Measures


Average scale score (2024)




% of pupils who achieved a high level of attainment in reading, writing and maths (2024)


For each academic year group

Curriculum content and details of how additional information relating to the curriculum may be obtained by parent

For Key Stage 1, the names of any phonics or reading schemes in operation

Details of the National Curriculum can be found on this page

To find out more about the Curriculum we follow please click:-

Early Years,  Key Stage 1 or Key Stage 2

For Reception and Key Stage 1 we use Fischer Family Trust Success for All phonics.

We also use the following Reading Schemes - Oxford Reading Tree, Songbirds  and Big Cat Phonics 

The school's policy on behaviour


The school's policy on Safeguarding


The school's charging and remissions policy


The school's compliments and complaints policy

Behaviour Policy

Safeguarding Policy

Charging and Remissions 

Compliments & Complaints Policy


The amount of the school's allocation from the Pupil Premium and Sports Premium grants for the current academic year, and:

·         how it is intended that this is spent

·         how the previous academic year's allocation was spent, and the effect of this on the educational attainment of pupils for whom the funding was allocated.

Pupil Premium at St Richard's 23/24


Pupil Premium at St Richard's 22/23






Sports Premium 2020/21

Sports Premium 2021/22

Sports Premium 2022/23

Sports Premium 2023/24

A report prepared by the school highlighting its policy for pupils with special educational needs, and how this is being implemented.

Please refer to Page 10 of the prospectus


See also the following:-


St Richard's SEN Information Report - School local offer 2023


Accessibility Policy


Wigan Council's SEN Local Offer


Equality Scheme


Equality Objectives

Publication Scheme

Freedom of Information

A statement of the school's ethos and values

 Please refer to Page 2 of the prospectus

Financial Information

 School Financial Benchmarking Service

Governor disclosure and interests

 These pages show information on each of our school governors and all matters   pertaining to the Governing Body


If you wish to query any of the information, please Contact Us and we will attempt to resolve your query.

Paper copies of all the policies and information on the website are available from the school office on request and free of charge.